
Crumbling Foundations
We understand that foundation issues can be a major concern for buyers and sellers, especially in areas affected by pyrrhotite. That's why we use the classification codes outlined on the Crumbling Foundations website to assess the condition of a foundation and determine if it falls under the CFSIC's coverage criteria. For real estate transactions, this inspection/classification needs to be completed prior to the closing of the property to be eligible.
We direct all clients to the resources available on the crumbling foundations website, which provides valuable information and support to homeowners dealing with foundation issues related to pyrrhotite. As CFSIC certified professionals, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and providing our clients with the best possible service.
If you suspect that your foundation may be affected by pyrrhotite don't hesitate to contact us. Our CFSIC certified experts have the knowledge and expertise necessary to accurately assess the condition of your foundation and assign a classification code.